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Product Description

A vital part of the Product Information File, or PIF file, is the safety assessment or CPSR (Consumer Product Safety Assessment) as some people call it.

These have been around since the 1990s and we have been involved with both writing them and commissioning them throughout that time. So we have a lot of experience of what they are used for and what can go wrong with them.

The CCC Approach To Cosmetic Product Safety Assessment

We have an extensive database of raw materials that we have been building up for the last thirty years and have routines worked out for carrying out all the necessary calculations. This enables us to produce a very thorough report very quickly and therefore relatively cheaply. It also includes a proposed ingredient list for the pack along with all the required allergens.

Also, as experienced formulators we are able to give a second opinion on the suitability of your formulation and the ingredients you have selected for the purpose intended. In the event of the formulation not meeting the required standard we can often suggest possible solutions, and whenever possible pass the modified formulation without further cost.


It is important to have a safety assessor that meets your particular needs. These are going to vary quite a lot from business to business, and we appreciate that our approach may not always be a good match for your needs.

We focus on practical considerations. We use our knowledge of formulating and the way cosmetics are regulated in practice in the real world to make sure that your safety report doesn't have snags that can trip you up at a later stage. If your reports are likely to be going to customers and the authorities then we may well be a good fit for you.


Product Code
CPSR 270

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CPSR Document

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Product Code CPSR 270