Private Oud Collection
In the Middle East where it originates, Oud is known as black gold, a pungent, yet precious (not to mention notoriously expensive) aromatic made from one of the rarest woods in the world, a tropical evergreen known as aquilaria. Oud has been around for close to a thousand years, yet only gained its prominent popularity in the western world for just over ten. However, in that time, it’s impacted the fragrance industry like never before. So what is it about Oud that we love so much? First and foremost, it’s mysterious. Oud has a deep, smoky and complex aroma that’s difficult to categorise. It’s wild and intense, yet warming, which makes it ideal for blending a variety of ways to achieve a number of creative takes. Today’s top perfumers have taken Oud in many diverse directions, combining with citrus elements, floral essences, herbaceous notes and many more, resulting in different forms of Oud that appeal to our own personalised tastes in fragrance. Each fragrance in the Oud Private Collection is distinct in its own right, a unique take on Oud complemented by various pure essences that tells a story of mystery and intrigue. Exotic never felt so elegant.
040-Noble Wood, Rosa Salas Oud Collection
0 review(s)
Rosa Salas Noble Wood Niche Oud Private Collection
041 - Aphrodite, Rosa Salas Oud Collection
2 review(s)
Rosa Salas Aphrodite Niche Private Oud collection
Rosa Salas Lucayan Niche Oud Private Collection
043-Patcho Oud Private Oud Collection
0 review(s)
Rosa Salas Patcho Oud Niche Oud Private Collection
045-Terra, Rosa Salas Oud Collection
0 review(s)
Rosa Salas Terra Niche Oud Private Collection
044-Plateau Private Oud Collection
1 review(s)
Rosa Salas Plateau Niche Oud Private Collection